Czech Consumer Association

The Czech Consumer Association (Sdružení českých spotřebitelů, SCS), is a civic association (NGO) established in 1990; it sees its priorities in the development of activities which focus on supporting a precautious (= “preventive”) approach and system tools in the field of consumer protection. These activities aim at enhancing relations between service providers of and consumers. Communication, distribution of information, formulating opinions and comments to various issues are key factors and conditions of SCS involvement and activities.

The topics include safety of products, market surveillance, standardization, accreditation, quality infrastructure etc. and SCS is a member of number of advisory and consultative groups on national and EU level in this respect (ANEC General Assembly, ANEC Steering Committee, Standardization committee /Czech Office for Standards, Metrology and Testing/, Working Group on General Product Safety /Ministry of Industry and Trade/, Committee on Technical Barriers to Trade /Ministry of Industry and Trade/, Working Group on Prevention of Children's Injuries /Ministry of Health of the Czech Republic/, ISO COPOLCO Working Group, Coordination Group on Food Safety /Ministry of Agriculture/, etc.).

Within several last years, SCS have implemented several projects supported by the Czech Ministry of Industry and Trade, European Commission (Transition Facility), EEA Grants or Swiss Government.

SCS has long-term experience in delivering training sessions, workshops, seminars and conferences on national, European and international level. Here SCS has cooperated with number of national and EU partners; the topics related e.g. alternative dispute resolutions, product safety, financial services, market surveillance, metrology, safety of shoes for children, prevention against frauds in uncash payment, standardization of child playgrounds, participation of consumers in standardization, etc.

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